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If you are interested in partnering with us, have a product or an innovative service that you think may be of interest to our clientele, please register your product or ideas and get in touch with us by filling the form below. We appreciate your business interest with Aster Pharmacy. Please fill the following details to help us review and consider your products for registration with the pharmacies and nutrition stores of Aster Pharmacy. The management of Aster Pharmacy shall contact the concerned within ‘30’ working days of receiving this Application Form, intimating the status of the same.

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Registration Details

Registration Authority*

  • MOH

  • DM

  • HAAD

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Copy of Registration certificate*
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Catalogues & Samples*
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Product registration fee will be applicable based on the product/range; Reg. fee varies from category to category. Aster Pharmacy reserves the complete right to accept/reject this application.

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